WP3D Models Embed Code Lets You Track Views on Other Websites

A handy feature of the WP3D Models plugin is that it lets you track views on your models that are embedded on other websites. Rather than just sending traffic from your remotely embedded models directly to Matterport, the responsive, WP3D Models embed code lets you direct that traffic back to your own site. And, you get to record the views with Google Analytics, or other tracking software. This is a big improvement over having to use the default embed code (or the direct link) from within your Matterport account.

The Problem With Using Matterport’s Embed Code

Matterport’s code for embedding your models on other websites can be found on each model’s page within your Matterport account.

Matterport's embed code for other websites.

Matterport’s embed code for other websites.

As you can see, the “source” URL (https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Js1hgHDoHVG) points back to Matterport. That means that anyone who clicks on your model from a website other than yours is taken to Matterport’s website to view the model. Using the WP3D Models embed code instead of Matterport’s brings that traffic back to your website, enabling you to retain that traffic and track usage.

How to Use the WP3D Models Embed Code on Other Websites

The WP3D Models embed code can be found under the WP3D Models Links tab at the top of the page on the Edit Model screen. Choose Get EMBED Code from the drop menu.

Find the embed code under the WP3D Model Links tab on the Edit Model screen.

Find the embed code under the WP3D Model Links tab on the Edit Model screen.

A pop-up screen appears with the embed code highlighted. Press Ctrl + C to copy the code to your clipboard.

WP3D Models embed code pop-up window.

WP3D Models embed code pop-up window. Press Ctrl + C to copy the code.

Your embed code will look similar to the one below:

<div id=’wp3d-14′><a href=’https://atter–ort–emo-gwebmt.c9.io/3d-model/1900-hollis/?fullscreen’>LOADING – 1900 Hollis</a><script src=’//s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp3dmodels/js/embed-iframe.js?id=wp3d-14′></script></div>

You can also access the WP3D Models Links tab from the public-facing model display page. You’ll have to login to the WordPress admin to grab the embed code on public-facing pages.

Embed code from model display page

The embed code can also be found on the public-facing model display page.

The embed code is also fully responsive, so it’ll look great on your clients’ responsive (and non-responsive) websites.

If your website uses WordPress, and if you’re tired not being able to track views of your embedded models on other peoples’ websites due to Matterport’s embed code, the WP3D Models plugin is the solution. Our responsive, model embed code is just one of the many useful features offered by the WP3D Models plugin.