WP3D Models – Version 3.6.9 – New Calendly Feature, Free Plugin Version and other Fixes & Bugs

Version 3.6.9 shipped in late March and addressed a few bugs that popped up from WordPress v.5.9.3.  On the “new” front, we’ve added an option to schedule in Calendly with agents to meet with website visitors. We also released a Free version of WP3D Models (WP3D Models Lite Plugin). We also created a toggle so the VR feature would work on mobile devices.

The Full List

Here’s the full changelog list.

  • NEW: Schedule with Calendly
    Enable agents to offer calendar times to meet with website visitors using Calendly.
  • NEW: Update Free Version
    Added ability to try out a free version of the plugin
  • NEW: “Matterport Redirect” Option (Models > Settings > General)
    Matterport doesn’t support the VR feature in the iframe anymore. We added a “Matterport Redirect” checkbox in the plugin settings to give an ability for customers to choose if they want to show models without redirecting to the Matterport model URL when pressing the “play” button (in this case VR feature will not work) or they want to have a redirect to the Matterport model URL (with VR feature).
  • FIX: Social Download Image Failure
    Several users experienced this bug while updating and publishing new and old posts.
  • FIX: Black Screen
    Multiple users got a black screen when viewing on their mobile phones
  • FIX: Embedding Shortcode
    A user reported an error when embedding a shortcode to another page or website
  • FIX: Side Panel Not Visible
    “WP3D Models Tools” in the side panel menu is missing. It has a conflict with a plugin and we added a script to fix it.
  • FIX: Request error
    A user got a Matterport response error. We added an additional check to prevent fatal errors when the Matterport server is unresponsive.
  • FIX: VR feature
    Fixed a bug with a redirect on fullscreen mode, feature in the fullscreen template, and models with intro.
  • FIX: Gallery
    The gallery had incorrect width on some WP themes and fixed a bug with a gallery on the Nobrand view
  • FIX: Calendly Button Conflict
    Replaced the WP constant in the calendar popup file to avoid compatibility issues with other plugins.
  • FIX: Google Map API
    Resolved the conflict between Google maps API and ACF text editor.
  • FIX: Custom “allow” Param in the Generic iframe
    Data from allow parameter was not used in the generic iframe
  • FIX: Empty the “text” tab in Model Content Field
    Model content was empty on the text tab active
  • FIX: Fatal error in the “exclude” column
    A fatal error in the “exclude” column when ACF is deactivated. It was fixed